You have safety and associates to assist. Use either. earthed silver cloth bag to surround your computer for your automobile otherwise make a case if the component's to not have to breath.


Make it out of balsa wood if not light custom wood and locate someone who is experienced in making fishing sinker's. Ask a fishing shop if not a keen fisherman/woman. 

Gain the knowledge otherwise ask someone to perform the following for you if they can do so after acquire of safety's and good solid knowledge base of requirements to be met before making the assignment and creating reality.


Idea? Bleed molten lead, over and to cover, the box that you have to make that secludes your electrical Componentry. Problem's we have are value of EMF assault upon high performance automotive equipment then people taking a cheap deal if the owner thinks there is no end to the troubled item. I can provide further assistance here at a later timeframe.




FRIDAY 22nd MARCH 2024

1746 HRS

 Any lead's to the enquiry would be appreciated, already there has been a break in, walk in form the side of the road, claiming they are friendly to all other's while perspective of owner is that they trespassed then welcomed themselves to open and peer into the automobile before build had started. Similar to the Picton ferry journey when acquiring the Van LIT8DR. 











Safety First.

If you can not afford? Do not play.










Test Bench



Operating Table




