Here is what could possibly be perceive from reality.
Not Gang associated
Not of Gangland's however respected enough that they do not include them selve's upon direct immediate of private property.
Possibly not of Underworld however has his own style of Lingo to ascertain professional environment and the expressed ettiquite of language barrier to diminish.
Government adherence
Military adherence
Civilian adherence
Interlock and lock out of function from Government Accord, Military Accord, Civilian Accord.
Understanding's between all three and Underworld.
Civilian accord tested over a 40 year timeframe with contingencies in His favour outside of Government Military and Underworld.
Proposed of.
Alignment's of certainty then those who have caused the problem of breaking down Privacy and integrity of Global relation;s for and against Husband namesake of Civilian accord.
Alignment's Of Husband's
Civilian accord.
Out sourced with Privacy breech.
Intellect to handle the privacy breech and conclude with safety's installed momentary or otherwise.
Kinship regardless even if not friendly.
External equation forging that they are purposed and set out to corrupt the facilitation of the Land by Husband birth date sufficient of by way of proclaim as per 06/06/1981 and cannot be corrupted by way of marking's carbon dated.
Alignment and drawing yet to be submitted.
Silent hostage status yet to be removed and is reassurance of the work's against him, Of purposed value. No reflection of what this meen's from onlooker's from his own accord as of yet.
Military Vocation and self defence measure's now leading into attack.
Government vocation used to subdue the unlawfull entry that tries to over rule a Silent Hostage.
NewZealand finite has been in limbo and cancelled upon 1981 while Stock Exchange crashed and caused the Deed's and Title's to be put into Husband's namesake.
The reoccuring value of crased Dynasty's Royalty and Corporate value of Busienss and likelihood of survival from a unbeknowest Rule kept as a silent hostage against his own right's (As a Civilian).
The Government Value form elsewhere as England saught to Rule the land of what they once called NewZealand. Germany chose to abide my England including England's treaty that has recently been awknowledged as a binding agreement between England/Britan and Germany now.
The Claim of land that had never been concieved by the owner form 19981. Ownership recieved three year's form today's date as of 3rd December 2024. With a binding agreement of time length of 40 year's vocation that England was trying to resource form what was called NewZealand illegally.
5 year's to 10 year's of England and Germany including the treaty between themselve's and what was once called New Zealand. The caling form the owner and to recieve his Wive's while operations Airforce council from Britan detested this in Silence as they kept the owner as a Silent hostage. The destroy of femanine Divinity and the destroy of alot of men from the British Air-Force Squadron Council and how they have tried vocation of their Silent Hostage never seen amongst them, to be held accountable while un beknowest of the Hierarchy outside of Civilian accord that they tried to process him into, Permamnent deceaseement.
The record keeping and the non awknowledge including the awknowledge of the timeline of England's operations inclduding Germany.
The admitted behaviour that a 323 Mazda and Rotary engine are binding that if I ever see one or put one togeather in my life time to enjoy, those other male gender would commit to murder themselve's and leave their worth to myself also their commited value to destroy all V8 driver's beforehand and Maori including their parents and England if need be.
clarification that I took an underhand of Research privately and now have repent underway by way of birth roght's to thy name be true. One Mazda and story explaination underway while safety ermits such, inclusing the revival of Rotary Engine's and that the namesake Mazda is probably not my original request.
A calling upon memories from previous affidavid's to conclude alignment's inclusive of my Wive's alignment's into co~hesion amongst and apparent to story tellign that is currently underway.
How the Royal Crown of England and their self disposal is possibly due to the dillusional self while off medication form the trauma they passed on to their children and grand children after loosing theor entire worth to a stock market crash in 1981. The then dillusional Children if not one of, Made registered correspondance to Hi-Jacked Authority's in the Waikato region, Of persuit of a Motorcycle for unbeknowest reasoning. Then drove into a River and drowend in astolen Police car that under circumstance of Water Damage, malfunctioned to release the Police Engineered and enforcement quotient of safety precaution's under electronic assist, malfunctioned. The Window's remaind up and the car sunk with the thief inside it. The correspondant's that conferred expectancy of to catch the presumed imaginary motorcyclist, then gave way to preclude the investigation and pretend there was no second son. All D.N.A. has been rcalled during the next couple of year's and indemnified of any prosper of future if ever from Ground of future as per the original measure's against the 1981 owner and the family that claimed the worth of the Stock Market after the crash while it was in limbo. From themselve's who have been witnessed as crazed form the Royal Crown Of England.
The bestow of England to land mass once called NewZealand before 1981, While runnign trial and trying to escape the identity produced of bankruptcy after they tried to command against the Silent Hostage, yet directed to be as of Owner of NewZealand by the same onslaught witnessed near direct from England and Germany.
All value dipict the aquaint of AirForce staffing of age bracket between 60 and 75 year's, unless floor model swapped into the family before owner's birth inclusive of Nurse to the equation if not surrogate if there ever was sibling's as a "Look out" of such occurance to free the Owner form Silent Hostage circumstance.
The equation of forensic's vlaue as to what happened to the original Birth Mother and family to the Heir of the Aqcuire of the Stock Exchange, Most of Earth by now and the inlellectual property right's of those who call themselves Civilian's upon what used to be called NewZealand Soil. From timeframes of 1981 to 2024, Are sole property of the recent land claimant and 1981 resourced baby that has the deed's and title's of such business infrustructure included.
The proposed of family of aquaint is now stipulation of environment removed and access of surrogacy rendered insolvant upon discovery's of high treasion and the dispicable nature of thievery of the hand that fed them regardless if they stole the baby in 1981 that also coincide's with the Deed's and Title's of Global business Military and Government. This Baby also own's the Country that used to be called NewZealand. That Child is now resourceable as a 40+ year old adult with no discrepancies to take control and no authority's to get in the way.
Reasoning of occurance to derange the situation if not sabotage it? Psy Telekinesis and Psy Tele Kinetic aptitude that the thieve's form British Air Forxe and Navy calling themselve's a product of NewZealand while the land rest in limbo until Forensics could establish reasoning for the delay of the owner to take control, Thus behind the scene's of evolve was underway while surrogate Military and Government were supplied at the expence of those from British force's accompanied by their coveted Maori and German Royal's, Into demise with through certainty that they have no idea of Military and Government vocation of the owner's Wive's. Inclusive of the Owner and associate's of value Globally.
Civilain culture still maimed by the same mixed identity form British force's and their gangland's while Underworld assitance yet to evolve for the Owner to establish his right's with his wive's upon his own soil as a Civilain.
As Military and Government agreement's resonate the injustice and the action's of accord against the injustices, approach after approach form British military commanding their slave unit named as the Maori Batalion inclusive of the honour of their treaty of Waitangi and German military advanced strategy after studying the Owner for best route after 40 year's of that study, the best route to adjust the owner out of ownership however as a Silent hostage and a visit to a psyche ward funed by Britain, their Maori and Germany influence over Middleeaster guilty Doctor's of Psyche? the call that was ignored from the Owner, The call for safety has now erupted into Global hostility against Military, Government's and especially to eradicate Gangland's predominantly of Men. Pope Francis under the control of British Force's while British Force's kept the Owner of what was once called NewZealand as a Silent Hostage also has conclude of Character profile of British force's misconduct apparent to His Wive's Floor model's when their Million Dollar credit card's ans sponsor form Husband offshore Military and Government inclusive of external political control of the country until recently. Until those credit card's arose with the misuse of Floor models act preventing his wive's further accomodate value with their husband until their names cleared.
These Vow's that the owner of the land that used to be called NewZealand, has then had to re-claim the land to ensure understanding's that the Civilain profile is indeed kept as a sielnt hostage. also kept against his own will of civilian accord that was placed as forensics and set as a trap environment to ascertain who the practice to destroy the owner truely came by of. If the owner was ever to locate pretence and availablity of the owner expressed by himself therefore the understandings of the aquaint of Britain upon what was once called NewZealand, Is inevitable that they are in the worng including their associates that they have clung to and caused humiliation of abroad of those associate's hile England and their British forces condemn as much as they possibly can hil they spiral out of control.
Asimilie? A chuild having a 40 year tantrum while crazed and possibly on Psyche MEdication using soemone else country as affidavid that it was not them and that there was nothing wrong after world war two and the stock exchange crash. Germnay concluded that the similar style prevented world war three and ended world war two however the person's are now said to have had calirvoyant aptitude and psykinetic ability form a European styled white person's genome.
The much acclaimed Maori have doe nothing more than rape and beat their way to establish hat of England and their demise incluidng that they all must be stopped.
Effectively away form Raciam segregation and political perspectic of racisim? England's CHILDREN have spoken. Regardless if we like the effect or not and thus now they must be stopped. If not? By all cost's.
Telekinesis Psy value of Archaic what would be ape's if they ever chose to share their Banana. The Ape's did not. We conclude to understand we have no idea where the Maori with their Rape an dBeating's of innocent Civilian's, have ever become from.
Keep in mind, original myth and legend presents that the Maori stumbled across the land that used to be called Aoteroa/New Zealand upon discovery of "The Spirit People" (White Men and Women). The Predominant language of Maori, Called a HAKA where by the recital of first sighting;s of white people? they jumped up and down, vomited and in histeric's had no idea wheere to run to. Simplified as a HAKA forevermore to remember what to do in sence or case of ever coming aross any other being other than their direct immediate they tend not to forget about.
the style of warfare of hunting a small harmless Bird or creature while using a long stick and creeping upon them silently unless they can bludgeoun with a shaped rock if not stone regardless? Almost exact of forensics of the character profile haunting global Governent/ Military and Civilian's around the world. These despicable slight's have now been identified. Their network's conclusive of Britain and now released data that one of their female hierarchy is of German Poland and Maori decendantry while her parent's worked for British military force's, Air-force and Navy.
A typist from Air-force possibly a Sniper, and a Janitor from Navy, Possibly entertainer.
Both in their late 60's early 70's possibly?
Nothing of Character profile of Whiite suppremist Adamah Warlord after Barack Obama tried to steal the title. Another Slight.
Nothing of Government value of Shaun the original owner from 1981
And all the hearsay of the recent land claim if not name suppression of Shaun into his Civilian namesake however breached due to British and German ignorance to uncover their theft of themselves and their Maori assault of the world if they were allowed in.
Russian warfare against Ukraine is now assigned to the understandings that Maori started the war with their slight behavior among Global politics trying to seclude their idiocy within realms they were never screened to be a part of to begin with. Low common docile car thieves and slight's among gang lands because they could not aspire in the real world without fairy tales in their heads about house pet dogs looking after them and keeping them arm at night. often times mimic and valued about feeding time and when to procreate. Obviously their leash broke.
Obviously not of, Silent hostage. Obviously nothing to do with the owner as the 1981 rule of obtain indicate's clearly for England to take their person's and vacate of all time and through certainty.
They believe as started previosuly, The owner is possibly Sicilain. Possibly stolen at birth due to the deed's and title's involved while those onlooker's that called the theft, scalped and siphoned by calling the owner (Silent Hostage) a psychologically purposed fraud among other atrocious nature's, to try and supress the taking of the deed's and title's while the behavior ommitted form his claim of cease was hidden with brutal extrimity's outside of any "supposed" witness by the silent hostage himself.
Some of his Wives were said to have been hit by the rape and bating's, through certainty of floor model's indicate's that theee is trouble regardless.
He has yet to divulge direct witness to those who thought they could get away with their murder of part of the marriage.
No furthermore curse from those women who could not psychologically get away from the torture that was said to cause such an onslaught of suppressed reconing that they actually require help.
Nothing to do with Britain's Silent Hostage yet to unveil the truth's behind what they have been doing due tot he fact global knowledge of their despicable nature due to direct witness globally of what they did to the Silent Hostage's Wives floor models being prepared to assist with the campaign yet to begin to build the land that used to be called New Zealand.
Float's like a butter fly, Sting's like a Bee.
Do you know who the fk he used to Worship? Was not Islam!!!